Opening portals to a new world of connectivity and features

Our Mission...

The Digital Janus is intent on providing consumers with useful, high quality applications to enhance the experience between consumers and service applications.

Explore our projects below

Project Name Status Expected Description Classification(s)

Project W.H.I.S.P.E.R

In Development


This project's goal is to create a feature rich platform for music listeners to expand thier flexiblity in connection and interaction with the music listening experience

Entertainment, Music, Auditory

Project S.M.T

In Design


The goal of this project is to ease and create new ways to socially interact with visual digital media by providing a platform for visual digtal media consumers

Entertainment, Video, Visual

Project M.A.L

In Design


Coming Soon

Entertainment, Video, Visual, Anime

Project Self Leap

In Design


Coming Soon

Education, Assistant

Project Family Tree

In Design


Coming Soon

Data Entry & Visualization, Families, Trees

Project Scheduler

In Design


Coming Soon

Data Entry & Visualization, Scheduling & Planning, Assistant

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